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Here's Lucy! Is it bad when you are obsessed with your own progeny?

Thank you Megan! They are so beautiful I cant stop looking at them!

Goooooooaaaaaaallllllllllll!!! (Well Sort of...)

Abby had her first soccer game this weekend. I don't know if I have ever seen her so excited as I did that morning. In fact she woke up at 6 am and put her uniform on even though her game did not start until 12:30pm.

The funny thing is Abby has never played soccer. She knew nothing about the sport except for the 5 minute lesson her dad gave her that morning. However, the great thing about all-girl 5 year-old soccer is the fact that no one knows anything so it makes it much more entertaining for the parents.

At the start of the game, Abby just followed the crowd as the ball accidentally bounced from girl to girl. During a water break she came over and we told her she needs to get in there and kick the ball in the goal! Well, that changed things and she suddenly started getting in the middle of the pack. In fact she scored a goal! Well she sort of scored a goal. Both her and another little girl kicked it at the same time when it went in. They both without noticing the other ran off in complete celebration for themselves. Abby was jumping up and down with her arms in the air yelling, "I scored. I scored." It was hilarious. I guess if they both think they scored, all the better.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the team is called the "Pink Princesses," and their uniforms from head to toe are pink. Can you get any better than that?Abby and Friend Maggie
Smiling after a goal.

Like the tongue?

They're Cousins....and they're Two of a Kind!


They laugh alike, they walk alike, at times they even talk alike...
You can lose your mind...
When Cousins are two of a kind.

That is the theme song to the Patty Duke show. I only know that because I was an avid Nick at Nite watcher in my youth. :)

This was the song going through my head as I took these photos. Okay, so maybe we dont have the identical thing going...we have more of the whities and the darkies. However, when these kids showed up at my door for a cousin playdate, Laina had on a swimsuit and dressup skirt (Abby had hers on already of course) and McLaren showed up in the exactly same shirt Parker was wearing. (Yes, its that favorite Dbacks shirt again.) Walmart must be making a killing on these.
Love the smiles.

Doesn't this pic make you to pretend you're Dorothy? An amazing rainbow popped up as I was taking these photos.

Count Your Blessings

On September 6th Taylor gave Lucy her blessing at church. Both my parents and his parents were able to attend making it an extra special day. Her white blessing dress was vintage from the 1930's that I bought from an antique dealer (for extremely, almost disgustigly cheap) online. She looked gorgeous and Taylor did great. I hope I remember that day forever.

First Day of School for the Big P

Clean Favorite D-backs T-shirt (worn 2-3 times per week)....check
New Spiderman Light Up Tennis Shoes...............................check
Toy Story Backpack complete with Tiger Stuffed Animal......check
Baby Sister who blows out her diaper ruining her car seat
and moms shirt as we walk out the door.................................check

It must be the first day of preschool!

Parker had his first day of preschool this week. All morning when we were getting ready, all I heard from him is, "I dont want to go to school. I don't like school. I want to stay home." And of course when I told him it would be fun... he responded with "I don't like fun!"(frown, frown, pout, pout) Great, I thought, this is going to be a disaster.

However, when we walked through the door of the school everything changed. He saw all the kids and the playground and instantly kissed me and waved goodbye. Talk about the lack of a climax. Not a whimper, complaint, or nothing (not that I'm complaining).

Well apparently preschool is not fun (since he does not like fun) because after school he was all smiles. I was able to snap a few pics of him in his proud-to-be- a-big-boy mood and the "beary" special craft he made.

A big Jump


The other day ago at Great Grandma Mary's house Parker decided he wanted to jump off the diving board like the big kids. He walked up, looked over the edge and jumped. All the adults in the pool just looked at each other not knowing what to do. But the little man just swam to edge as if it was no big deal. Michael Phelps eat your heart out.