Clean Favorite D-backs T-shirt (worn 2-3 times per week)....check
New Spiderman Light Up Tennis Shoes...............................check
Toy Story Backpack complete with Tiger Stuffed Animal......check
Baby Sister who blows out her diaper ruining her car seat
and moms shirt as we walk out the door.................................check
It must be the first day of preschool!
Parker had his first day of preschool this week. All morning when we were getting ready, all I heard from him is, "I dont want to go to school. I don't like school. I want to stay home." And of course when I told him it would be fun... he responded with "I don't like fun!"(frown, frown, pout, pout) Great, I thought, this is going to be a disaster.
However, when we walked through the door of the school everything changed. He saw all the kids and the playground and instantly kissed me and waved goodbye. Talk about the lack of a climax. Not a whimper, complaint, or nothing (not that I'm complaining).
Well apparently preschool is not fun (since he does not like fun) because after school he was all smiles. I was able to snap a few pics of him in his proud-to-be- a-big-boy mood and the "beary" special craft he made.