
Sponsored by The Nelson Historical Preservation Society.

Food for thought....

Does your child watch too much TV when....

You drive by a subway on the road and your daughter shouts in the appropriate accent--- SUBWAY: EAT FRESH! I guess we need to start regulating.


malibumoons said...

that's funny, i love subway. hey, I just noticed, our blogs look the same! only 2 more days of work for you! yay!

Lisa said...

or how about when they see a billboard and shout out 'homer simpson!' but then you show them a picture of Jesus and they have no clue.

Sheri N. said...

nice one lisa~!

Liz said...

totally relate with every ad known to man, Abby and Christian know. Within the last year they know the website now like sesamestreet.org or strawberryshortcake.com they pick up things so easily.