Parker and his "girl" Keirsha Moon (my friends daughter)..... I'm in so much trouble in a few years.
Hair today....Gone Tomorrow.
I finally chopped it. When you have to style your boys hair in the morning...its time to buzz.

Surfin' Safari
"At Huntington and Malibu
They're shooting the pier
At Rincon they're walking the nose" -Surfin' Safari, The Beach Boys
As the reality hits me that our California adventure is coming to a close I have completely mixed feelings. I am excited to finally settle down in a place we can call home, but I am sad to leave all of my Cali friends behind. We have been so blessed to meet such wonderful people and leaving both them and the ocean will be very difficult. I am happy that I have been able to "shoot the pier at Huntington and Malibu," and "walk the nose at Rincon" but I am saddened that these opportunities won't be so accessible in the future. Why did I not take surfing up 2 years ago when we first arrived?!!!!
As the summer officially ends here in a few days, I am posting these pics in honor of the best summer of my life. Thank you to God, our friends, and my family for this amazing opportunity. Goodbye endless summer, I will miss you. I will never look at a wave the same again.
Here is me surfing at the infamous Rincon! Maybe someday I will be brave enough to ride the bigger waves!

They're shooting the pier
At Rincon they're walking the nose" -Surfin' Safari, The Beach Boys
As the reality hits me that our California adventure is coming to a close I have completely mixed feelings. I am excited to finally settle down in a place we can call home, but I am sad to leave all of my Cali friends behind. We have been so blessed to meet such wonderful people and leaving both them and the ocean will be very difficult. I am happy that I have been able to "shoot the pier at Huntington and Malibu," and "walk the nose at Rincon" but I am saddened that these opportunities won't be so accessible in the future. Why did I not take surfing up 2 years ago when we first arrived?!!!!
As the summer officially ends here in a few days, I am posting these pics in honor of the best summer of my life. Thank you to God, our friends, and my family for this amazing opportunity. Goodbye endless summer, I will miss you. I will never look at a wave the same again.
Here is me surfing at the infamous Rincon! Maybe someday I will be brave enough to ride the bigger waves!

The Gymnastics Nazi-----No Gym for you!

I am using this blog to vent once again about what annoys me. Expect to find the rude, prideful comments that I would only blog to my friends and family about. Cheers!
So when it comes to Abby and her clothes, most of my friends know that I usually let her pick out her clothes for the day, and then we roll with it. She really enjoys putting outfits together and I figure whats the harm in letting her express herself that way (unless it is completely embarrassing or inappropriate of course.) Anyway, so for her first day of gymnastics Abby got herself ready in a leotard with a puffy tutu. I had the thought that maybe she should put on a less "ballet" type dance out fit, but she looked so beautiful and was so excited that I just let it go. "Its only the YMCA," I told myself. I later regretted that decision.
When we arrived at her class, it was apparent to me that the teacher was not there yet, so we waited along with the other children. 10 minutes into the class she finally showed up slightly annoying me since the class is only 50 minutes long. The teacher was older. Looking at her, she reminded me of Goldie Hawn with ratted hair, spandex, and messed up lipstick. Immediately as she walks in she gives Abby a quick look over and says to me says, "excuse me mom, but we must have a talk." I guess she meant a talk in front of the whole class and their mothers because she started lecturing me right then and there. "You see MOM, what she is wearing is NOT gymnastics attire. This is very inappropriate for gymnastics." At this point Abby is looking down at herself wondering what the heck she did wrong. "Gymnastics is a sport of agility and strength, and this promotes neither and quite frankly presents a large safety hazard here. I realize its your first day and you wouldn't know what gymnasts wear, but for now on I expect her to wear a leotard with no skirt. Do you understand?"
Biting my tongue, I said nothing. (I only did gymnastics my whole life, and worked my way through college coaching at much better institutions than the hardwood floor YMCA multipurpose room. ) I also apologized assuring her that this catastrophe would not happen again. She seemed satisfied and let Abby stay.
About 10 more minutes into the class as she is "spotting" Abby on a backward roll she said, "uuuuhhhh, this skirt makes it very difficult to spot. You see MOM, you see what troubles her attire is causing. Please do not bring her back in this again or she will have to sit out. Oh and headbands can be left at home as well."
I was so embarrassed, but not half as embarrassed as poor Abby who removed her headband. This was not the last time she said something to me either. The comments proceeded about 2-3 times more throughout the class. What the heck, lady? This is the YMCA....not some 4 year old Olympic training camp okay! Is it really that hard to spot a tiny 4 year old wearing a tutu when they are only walking on a floor balance beam. Give me a break!
As mad as she made me I am very proud to say I said nothing the whole time. I did not want to ruin Abby's day by getting into an argument with a "coach" (did I mention she insists all the girls call her coach?) who obviously thinks she is really hot stuff because she teaches the 3:00 beginner gymnastics class in the multipurpose room of the YMCA.
So, are we going back next week? Yes, yes we are. Abby had a wonderful time and came home to tumble on our living room floor....something that melted this ex-gymnasts heart. I am just going to have to make sure we dress appropriately, I guess.
Oh, and I forgot the best we were leaving class the girls from the 4:00 class were walking in. One poor little girl was wearing regular shorts and a t-shirt. I wanted to say to her mom...." for your life." And as I walked out the door of the gym I hear from the white-trash voice I am sure I will grow to love...."excuse me mom....we need to talk...this young lady here needs to dress...." CLASSIC!
P.S> I just looked at the roster for Parkers class. You would never guess who is the coach for the mommy and me class. guessed it the gymnastics nazi.

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