When the specialist/medical director came in to discuss the results, he had said in the last month it had not doubled but quadrupled. The baby however, seems to still be doing fine. She is beautiful, as you can see from the pictures, and healthy, as far as they can tell. He did find one slight issue. They can see that she has a symptom called "bright bowel" in the ultrasound. It is when a baby's bowel shows abnormally bright, which could be associated with a genetic disorder like downs or CF, a fetal infection, intra-uterine bleeding, or a placental deficiency. Obviously, considering my tumor (officially diagnosed as one now) is on the placenta, a deficiency there would be the most likely cause. To rule out the possibility of a genetic disorder I will be meeting with a geneticist and the medical director of the facility for another ultrasound on Tuesday, May 12th.
So where does this leave us? Well, I have definitely been bumped up on the scale of high risk pregnancies, and the specialist pretty much prepared me to have a premature baby. At the current rate of tumor growth, he expects that the baby will need to be taken before my due date. We have set up a series of "goals" that we want to make. The first is to try and hold out until the 30 week mark. ( He also believes my due date to now be in August, putting me at 25-26 weeks.) If we can make it until then, the baby has a much higher chance of survival. Our second marker or goal is 32 weeks, and our third and final goal is to make it to 35 weeks. If I can make it until then without significant stress on the baby he might let me be induced and have it naturally as planned.
Amazingly, I still feel that everything will be okay. I am so blessed to be going to the best doctors around, and to have today's technology on my side. 50 years ago, this baby would have no chance. Today, she will most likely be perfectly fine. I rarely write on spiritual matters, but honestly I just know in my heart that everything will work out. I feel it. No matter what happens, god always provides a silver lining...even if it takes years to figure out what it was.
Oh I am feeling for you. Just know that.
and that girls are strong. stronger than boys as infants actually and if she has to come early, glad its a fighting girl. lungs, odds, everything
she looks just like abby to me. good luck.
As always we are praying for you and the baby. I am a firm believer in mothers instincs and if you feel everything will be fine then that is how it is going to be. I am glad that you are looking on the bright side, the baby will certainly feel that from you! Lots of Love!!
I have been thinking about you ever since your first post about the tumor- thanks for the update, although I wish you had received more positive news. Like you said, everything will work out fine, this little girl just wants a dramatic enterance it sounds like! lol We definitely need to get together again soon, my schedule has just been crazy with playdates, and then on top of that I just volunteered to be the president of my MOMS Club! Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky and someone else will volunteer and beat me in the election (fat chance, though!)
I'm glad to hear you're overall doing well, and keeping a positive outlook- give me a call if you need anything! (I just have my cell now, so call on that #)
Sher- thanks for the update. I would have to agree with "Crazy Lady"...the baby looks just like Abby.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad that you are close to your family at this time. Family always helps.
Wow Sheri - this post brought tears to my eyes. You are so inspirational and strong. I love the last paragraph. Thanks for sharing all of this. We are thinking of you guys and your adorable little girl.... Sending good thoughts your way. !!!!
I am so glad you have the feeling that everything is going to be fine. We will keep you in our prayers. Cant wait for my turn to babysit during one of your trips to Phoenix.
Thanks! I figured you were still in phoenix from the ultrasound. It would have been cool to get together. If I am ever crazy enough to do THAT again we should get together! haha. I have been thinking about you a lot, I appreciate your good example and positive example. You are a great example to all of us! I am sure all will work out for the best. It's just the 'in the meantime' that is hard. Hang in there.
Sheri, I am sorry that you are having to go through this stressful time. I am so glad you have a feeling of peace about things, I had a very strong one with Zach when he had low fluid and I knew that Heavenly Father was going to bring this baby safely into our arms. You and baby will be in our prayers. And you know Kelli is the expert on preemies if you end up having to go that road.
Wow, Sheri... I have been out of the blogosphere for a while and just clicked on your blog! So, of course, i had to go back and find out all possible information to make sure everyone is ok!!
Your new baby girl is beautiful amid all the intra-uterine goo. We'll be praying for you and checking in.
Good Luck.
p.s. Abby and Parker are so big, you all look really happy.
Hang in there, the power of prayer is amazing! We will keep you and your family in our prayers, too.
You are so strong and sweet! My heart touched by your strong spiritual thought. I believe Heavnly Father knows you can go through this and you'll have a beautiful girl!! Love you~
Sheri, you're amazing. And Vulcan strong. Sending hugs, thoughts, and prayers your way! *B
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