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Do you ever find that the recent experiences you have in your life point to one theme? Since adulthood I can identify a handful of themed lessons Ive learned in the different periods of my life. Independence, Importance of Family, Budgeting, and pushing through when you think you cant, to name a few. This year, it seems that many experiences that have happened has led me to think of our mortality. That may sound strange, so let me explain.

Ive always known that we live and then we die, but lately it seems that Ive been reminded of this fact over and over again. Whether you will live to 86 and see your 24 grandchildren mature to adulthood or whether you will pass away unexpectedly in your thirties leaving a young family behind, you just don't know. That is up to higher powers to decide.

As depressing as it seems that we have no control as to when our time on earth expires, the more I contemplate this, the more I realize it doesn't have to be. In fact, knowing this can be used to our benefit. Making this realization is helping me to remember to live life to the fullest, to love my spouse, cherish my children, honor my parents, and say thank you to god for the life I have been given so far.

I am pretty sure that it is because of this most recent "life theme" that I wanted my camera. I wanted to capture the people I love most so that no matter what happens, we can all share in the wonderful memories we make everyday.